Budgeting Tasks and Revenue Estimation

Thanks to the budgeting module, you will be able to precisely plan expenses and estimate revenue from each project. It will be a great starting point to make correct decisions about starting a project, and it will keep you on the right track later on. The system allows for budgeting costs and revenues, describing them in terms of cost location, specific accounts, and categories. Specific projects and tasks can also be budgeted. The system allows for controlling the budget plan on many levels.

Planning and budgeting of projects
Group work on the budget

Group Work over a Budget

Many aspects must be taken into consideration when working on a budget. That is why our solution includes the simultaneous cooperation of several users, regardless of whether they access the system through desktop or mobile devices (WWW browser access). Only authorized users or groups have access to a budget, and a number of safety features guarantees the confidentiality of the data processed.

Every edition of the budget requires acceptance from a designated person. A status is assigned to each budget in order to eliminate the risk of any mistakes.

Monitoring and Reporting Budgets in Real-time.

The budget module can be connected with data from the cost invoice circulation module, Enovatio Workflow, and Financial and Accounting systems. As a result, reports about budget completion (including all costs and revenues) are available at any time. The generated reports can be the basis for many managerial reports.

Budget monitoring is made easier by filters, a grouping function, sorting, and selecting columns with interesting data.

Real-time budget monitoring and reporting
Complex Budget Management

Complex Budget Management

This solution is your complete tool for managing your company’s budgets. If a budget has a logical structure, it is transparent about costs, revenues, planning, and implementation. Graphs with percentage indicators present the extent of a budget’s completion. Thanks to functions dedicated to sorting, filtering, and selecting columns to display, you will quickly find the correct data you are looking for.

Effective project management and implementation in a specific time, in accordance with the specification.
Automation of business processes. Efficient document management and correct information flow.
Fast registration and application support. Transparency of reported problems, monitoring, reporting, SLA and time recording.